
Pete was a very special buddy, a springer spaniel that captured my heart. While I shared the sometimes funny, often poignant memories of Pete in Living with a Springer Spaniel: Pete and Me (available at Amazon), I’ll post pictures here. If I thought I could clone Pete, I’d get another springer companion in a second. He’s a tough act to follow. I don’t know if I’d be as lucky again.

Pete 8.11.12


Here’s Pete after grooming. He was probably about 2 years old in this picture. We made sure to leave his mane and some feathering on his legs. That was important to my happy boy.




Pete, Goliath, and Heidi


Pete liked the pretty girls. Here’s Pete and his best friend, Goliath, wishing I’d open the gate for this little cutie who stopped by to visit. Pete said, “Please, mom?”





Pete and Dot's washcloth

Still a pup, Pete found a great way to get treats by teasing me with wash cloths and dish towels. I thought I was clever. I’d offer a treat if he’d trade with me. Instead, I learned that Pete outsmarted me again. Pete got a treat just for bringing me a towel.



Here’s Pete, from when we lived near Scranton. He’d lead me to the mountain of snow at the end of our street, which bordered on the Lackawanna River, where he could wait for our neighbor to come home and let him play with his best doggie friends. My girl, Maggie, is named after the one he loved the most, a Brittany spaniel, and who showed him how to swim in the river.


Pete was a great watchdog. Here he was guarding the perimeter. He’d let me know if any pesky squirrels or groundhogs were exploring our patio.





Pete snoozing



Here’s Pete doing the partial springer sprawl. There’s nothing better than a comfy snooze.





Pete and Goliath


Pete loved his best friend, Goliath. They played together every day, no matter the weather. Everyone should have such a great buddy!





Pete Coming Home from Pop's


Pete loved living at grandpop’s house. He had 10 acres to roam, much of it woods. Here he is coming home from visiting Kayla, dad’s neighbor’s dog. It was a long walk to Kayla’s house and he was tuckered out. But Pete knew: “You come home, you get a treat.”





Pete with deer leg


Three days in a row, Pete brought home a very special bone. When I investigated, I found it was a deer leg. Yep. Three deer legs. He was not happy when I took them away from him and threw them in the trash. Funny thing was, he didn’t bring home the fourth leg. My boy was smart. I have a feeling he left it in the woods for his private enjoyment. Ugh!


Pete after surgery


I had wanted to breed Pete since he was such a nice boy. Unfortunately, he got a tumor “down there.” His vet suggested neutering, even though he was older than typical. “Snip-snip.” Pete was not happy, especially having to wear that cone. I trimmed it, but you can see Pete’s sadness.


Pete and Nick

Pete thought he was a lap dog, always making himself comfortable if anyone took a chair. Here’s Pete when his cousin Nick came to visit. Notice the full bin of toys under the end table. Pete preferred to play with cardboard or bird feathers.


Pete's sprawl

Springers have a very interesting frog-sprawl when they lie on their bellies. “Just taking a little snooze,” Pete said.




old man and springerThose who have read Pete’s story know that my dad had a favorite picture hanging in his man-cave, “the Pub.” In fact, it was the springer spaniel in the portrait that had dad recommending that I get a springer that he saw advertised.

Dad’s no longer with us, but I have his picture hanging in my hallway. I recently learned that it’s titled “Solid Comfort,” and was painted by William Henry Lippincott. Indeed it’s a comfort to me, as was Pete, my springer spaniel.